The Official Blog

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blain Announces the "2006 Committment to Community"

Today Blain announced the “2006 Commitment to Community”, which signifies the movement to remove all 3rd Party Advertising off of the FIO Site. The only exceptions? The FIO shopping center which promotes FIO members to buy through to help raise money, and the Stock Research Center which is a co-branding effort with “I feel that if the FIO Community can rally together and remember to do their online shopping through our site, we will be able to compensate for any lost revenue in 3rd party advertising. Though risky financially, all FIO Members deserve to be able to be a part of a site that doesn’t spam, ‘must buy’ products and services daily.” Blain went on to speak of putting banners up that will promote this new era and a slogan that he feels says it all, “We Don’t Do Ads, We Do Amazon.”

How this will play out for the FIO long term is anyone’s guess, but it is evident that Blain is sticking by his words and mission towards providing a better environment for investors. On the homepage will soon be a mark recognizing this effort and commitment to the FIO Community. Below is a link to the new “FIO Shopping Center”, which we hope all FIO Members remember to buy through.

As Blain likes to conclude,

“To the Future,”

-FIO News Team

About the FIO: The Falkin Investing Organization is a 501c (3) pending non-profit Organization centered around the stock market. The Organization provides free discussion forums, trading tools, education programs, stock competitions, and more to members across the globe. The Organization is the creator and sole owner of the Falkin Stock Competition Series, and also the FalkinPro Education Center. More can be found out at the Organization’s website,


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